Back on the road again/ Farewell to Mexico
Weeks 22-23 and 25 on the road in Yucatán. A month ago I reluctantly left Oaxaca - my home for five months - on an overnight »
Weeks 22-23 and 25 on the road in Yucatán. A month ago I reluctantly left Oaxaca - my home for five months - on an overnight »
Weeks 23 - 24 in Playa del Carmen with Lisa. As I said to Lisa today, our run of 'dates' in sunny places from »
Weeks 19-21 in Mexico with A. Week 19 - City On the evening of 17th December I went to the aptly-named 'ADO' bus station »
Oaxaca Weeks 17-18 Week 17#### My last ten solo days in Oaxaca were fairly productive. I... * Finally pedalled up to barely-visited archaeological site 'Atzompa' »
Oaxaca Weeks 11-16!! Week 11 As I wrote in my last post six whole weeks ago, I've been having my toughest time since leaving »