Walk #25: K.

With: K.

Date: 2 August 2016

Where: Carsington Water, Derbyshire

Having met online, K. and I arranged to meet for the first time at the Knockerdown Inn near Carsington Water. On our second day in Derbyshire we went for a walk along the lake. Hailing from New Zealand K. is very much an outdoor person, so it was no great surprise when she removed her shoes and walked barefoot along the muddy bridleway! She's a keen climber, so was looking forward to a few days' climbing further into the Peak District near Hathersage.

As we walked we talked a bit about her childhood in New Zealand and the family's move to the UK when she was five.

I was also interested to hear about her work as a primary school teacher. Apparently in each annual 'reception' intake around five kids are still in nappies during the day. It takes her about a month to toilet-train them. To me it beggars belief that some parents think this is part of a primary school teacher's job, and also that at home they'd rather keep changing a five year old's nappy than bother to toilet-train them!

In her spare time (I was surprised to hear she even has any!) K. likes to compose operas! She is currently working on one that she hopes to premiere in due course.

Walking north along the lake shore we wondered if we could cut back up to the campsite without following the road, which neither of us was keen to do. We stopped a lone walker who seemed like she might be local, who kindly got out her iphone to let us look at an OS map of the area. I observed to K. that the woman seemed nervous; K. said she was probably just in a rush but didn't want to be rude, which was probably spot-on.

Later, back at the campsite, we took our 'usual table' in the pub for dinner and a few pints - lager for K. and Guinness for me!

Thank you K. for a very memorable and enjoyable couple of days at the Knockerdown!